Welcome, and thank you for visiting the website of the Newman Catholic Collegiate. The Newman Catholic Collegiate is a Catholic multi-academy formed in 2013, consisting of St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy and its eight associated Catholic primary academies. We are based in the North Staffordshire deanery, part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Our nine schools work together to further the mission of the Church in partnership with our local parishes and to support parents in their responsibilities as the first and best teachers of their children in the faith.
Our Collegiate motto “Growing Together for Life” reflects our aspiration to provide the very best intellectual, spiritual and moral formation for all our pupils, as they grow in the knowledge and love of God, their neighbour and themselves. We strive to grow together as a family of schools that celebrates the unique, God-given dignity of each person. Our community, though diverse, is bound together by our shared vision and values, and inspired by the example of our patron, St John Henry Newman. The Catholic Faith is central to our life, vision and identity. However, our inclusive schools welcome pupils from Catholic families, families from other Christian denominations, families from other world faiths, and families with no religious background.
In these pages you can find out more about our shared mission, vision and values. You can also learn more about each of the academies that make up the Newman Catholic Collegiate.
Dr Gillian Meller
Chair of the Board of Directors